
Touchscreen Object

Interface for touchscreen requests and events. This interface is available on devices with the ei_device.capability touchscreen.

This interface is only provided once per device and where a client requests ei_touchscreen.release the interface does not get re-initialized. An EIS implementation may adjust the behavior of the device (including removing the device) if the interface is releasd.

Note that for a client to receive objects of this type, it must announce support for this interface in ei_handshake.interface_version.



Since Version1 Request Opcode0


Notification that the client is no longer interested in this touch. The EIS implementation will release any resources related to this touch and send the ei_touch.destroyed event once complete.


Since Version1 Request Opcode1

ei_touchscreen.down(touchid, x, y)
Argument Type Summary
touchid uint32 a unique touch id to identify this touch
x float touch x coordinate in logical pixels
y float touch y coordinate in logical pixels

This request is only available for clients of ei_handshake.context_type.sender.

Notifies the EIS implementation about a new touch logically down at the given coordinates. The touchid is a unique id for this touch. Touchids may be re-used after ei_touchscreen.up.

The x/y coordinates must be within the device’s regions or the event and future ei_touchscreen.motion events with the same touchid are silently discarded.

It is a protocol violation to send a touch down in the same frame as a touch motion or touch up.


Since Version1 Request Opcode2

ei_touchscreen.motion(touchid, x, y)
Argument Type Summary
touchid uint32 a unique touch id to identify this touch
x float touch x coordinate in logical pixels
y float touch y coordinate in logical pixels

This request is only available for clients of ei_handshake.context_type.sender.

Notifies the EIS implementation about an existing touch changing position to the given coordinates. The touchid is the unique id for this touch previously sent with ei_touchscreen.down.

The x/y coordinates must be within the device’s regions or the event is silently discarded.

It is a protocol violation to send a touch motion in the same frame as a touch down or touch up.


Since Version1 Request Opcode3

Argument Type Summary
touchid uint32 a unique touch id to identify this touch

This request is only available for clients of ei_handshake.context_type.sender.

Notifies the EIS implementation about an existing touch being logically up. The touchid is the unique id for this touch previously sent with ei_touchscreen.down.

The touchid may be re-used after this request.

It is a protocol violation to send a touch up in the same frame as a touch motion or touch down.



Since Version1 Event Opcode0

Argument Type Summary
serial uint32 this event’s serial number

Immediately after sending this request, the object is considered destroyed by the EIS implementation. It must no longer be used by the client.

This touch has been removed and a client should release all associated resources.

This ei_touchscreen object will be destroyed by the EIS implementation immmediately after after this event is sent and as such the client must not attempt to use it after that point.


Since Version1 Event Opcode1

ei_touchscreen.down(touchid, x, y)
Argument Type Summary
touchid uint32
x float
y float

This event is only available for clients of ei_handshake.context_type.receiver.

See the ei_touchscreen.down request for details.

It is a protocol violation to send this request for a client of an ei_handshake.context_type other than receiver.

It is a protocol violation to send a touch down in the same frame as a touch motion or touch up.


Since Version1 Event Opcode2

ei_touchscreen.motion(touchid, x, y)
Argument Type Summary
touchid uint32
x float
y float

This event is only available for clients of ei_handshake.context_type.receiver.

See the ei_touchscreen.motion request for details.

It is a protocol violation to send this request for a client of an ei_handshake.context_type other than receiver.

It is a protocol violation to send a touch motion in the same frame as a touch down or touch up.


Since Version1 Event Opcode3

Argument Type Summary
touchid uint32

This event is only available for clients of ei_handshake.context_type.receiver.

See the ei_touchscreen.up request for details.

It is a protocol violation to send this request for a client of an ei_handshake.context_type other than receiver.

It is a protocol violation to send a touch up in the same frame as a touch motion or touch down.