libei 1.4.0
A library for Emulated Input
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | ei_log_handler) (struct ei *ei, enum ei_log_priority priority, const char *message, struct ei_log_context *context) |
The log handler for library logging. | |
typedef uint64_t(* | ei_clock_now_func) (struct ei *ei) |
Optional override function for ei_now(). | |
Functions | |
const char * | ei_event_type_to_string (enum ei_event_type) |
This is a debugging helper to return a string of the name of the event type, or NULL if the event type is invalid. | |
struct ei * | ei_new (void *user_data) |
This is an alias for ei_new_sender. | |
struct ei * | ei_new_sender (void *user_data) |
Create a new sender ei context. | |
struct ei * | ei_new_receiver (void *user_data) |
Create a new receiver ei context. | |
struct ei * | ei_ref (struct ei *ei) |
Increase the refcount of this struct by one. | |
struct ei * | ei_unref (struct ei *ei) |
Decrease the refcount of this struct by one. | |
void | ei_set_user_data (struct ei *ei, void *user_data) |
Set a custom data pointer for this context. | |
void * | ei_get_user_data (struct ei *ei) |
Return the custom data pointer for this context. | |
bool | ei_is_sender (struct ei *ei) |
Returns true if the context is was created with ei_new_sender() or false otherwise. | |
unsigned int | ei_log_context_get_line (struct ei_log_context *ctx) |
const char * | ei_log_context_get_file (struct ei_log_context *ctx) |
const char * | ei_log_context_get_func (struct ei_log_context *ctx) |
void | ei_log_set_handler (struct ei *ei, ei_log_handler log_handler) |
Change the log handler for this context. | |
void | ei_log_set_priority (struct ei *ei, enum ei_log_priority priority) |
enum ei_log_priority | ei_log_get_priority (const struct ei *ei) |
void | ei_clock_set_now_func (struct ei *, ei_clock_now_func func) |
Override the function that returns the current time ei_now(). | |
void | ei_configure_name (struct ei *ei, const char *name) |
Set the name for this client. | |
int | ei_setup_backend_fd (struct ei *ei, int fd) |
Initialize the ei context on the given socket file descriptor. | |
int | ei_setup_backend_socket (struct ei *ei, const char *socketpath) |
Set this ei context to use the socket backend. | |
int | ei_get_fd (struct ei *ei) |
libei keeps a single file descriptor for all events. | |
struct ei_ping * | ei_new_ping (struct ei *ei) |
Create a new ei_ping object to trigger a round trip to the EIS implementation. | |
uint64_t | ei_ping_get_id (struct ei_ping *ping) |
Return a unique, increasing id for this struct. | |
struct ei_ping * | ei_ping_ref (struct ei_ping *ei_ping) |
Increase the refcount of this struct by one. | |
struct ei_ping * | ei_ping_unref (struct ei_ping *ei_ping) |
Decrease the refcount of this struct by one. | |
void | ei_ping_set_user_data (struct ei_ping *ei_ping, void *user_data) |
Set a custom data pointer for this struct. | |
void * | ei_ping_get_user_data (struct ei_ping *ei_ping) |
Return the custom data pointer for this struct. | |
void | ei_ping (struct ei_ping *ping) |
Issue a roundtrip request to the EIS implementation, resulting in an EI_EVENT_PONG event when this roundtrip has been processed. | |
void | ei_dispatch (struct ei *ei) |
Main event dispatching function. | |
struct ei_event * | ei_get_event (struct ei *ei) |
Return the next event from the event queue, removing it from the queue. | |
struct ei_event * | ei_peek_event (struct ei *ei) |
Returns the next event in the internal event queue (or NULL ) without removing that event from the queue; the next call to ei_get_event() will return that same event. | |
uint64_t | ei_now (struct ei *ei) |
void | ei_disconnect (struct ei *ei) |
Disconnect the current ei context from the EIS implementation. | |
void | ei_seat_set_user_data (struct ei_seat *seat, void *user_data) |
Set a custom data pointer for this context. | |
void * | ei_seat_get_user_data (struct ei_seat *seat) |
Return the custom data pointer for this context. | |
const char * | ei_seat_get_name (struct ei_seat *seat) |
bool | ei_seat_has_capability (struct ei_seat *seat, enum ei_device_capability cap) |
Return true if the capabilitiy is available on this seat or false otherwise. | |
void | ei_seat_bind_capabilities (struct ei_seat *seat,...) __attribute__((sentinel)) |
Bind this client to the given seat capabilities, terminated by NULL . | |
void | ei_seat_unbind_capabilities (struct ei_seat *seat,...) __attribute__((sentinel)) |
Unbind a seat's capabilities, terminatd by NULL . | |
struct ei_seat * | ei_seat_ref (struct ei_seat *seat) |
struct ei_seat * | ei_seat_unref (struct ei_seat *seat) |
struct ei * | ei_seat_get_context (struct ei_seat *seat) |
Return the struct ei context this seat is associated with. | |
struct ei_event * | ei_event_unref (struct ei_event *event) |
Release resources associated with this event. | |
enum ei_event_type | ei_event_get_type (struct ei_event *event) |
struct ei_device * | ei_event_get_device (struct ei_event *event) |
Return the device from this event. | |
uint64_t | ei_event_get_time (struct ei_event *event) |
Return the time for the event of type EI_EVENT_FRAME in microseconds. | |
struct ei_device * | ei_device_ref (struct ei_device *device) |
Increase the refcount of this struct by one. | |
struct ei_device * | ei_device_unref (struct ei_device *device) |
Decrease the refcount of this struct by one. | |
struct ei_seat * | ei_device_get_seat (struct ei_device *device) |
void | ei_device_set_user_data (struct ei_device *device, void *user_data) |
Set a custom data pointer for this context. | |
void * | ei_device_get_user_data (struct ei_device *device) |
Return the custom data pointer for this context. | |
uint32_t | ei_device_get_width (struct ei_device *device) |
Return the width of the device in mm if the device is of type EI_DEVICE_TYPE_PHYSICAL, otherwise zero. | |
uint32_t | ei_device_get_height (struct ei_device *device) |
Return the height of the device in mm if the device is of type EI_DEVICE_TYPE_PHYSICAL, otherwise zero. | |
size_t | ei_keymap_get_size (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
enum ei_keymap_type | ei_keymap_get_type (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
Returns the type for this keymap. | |
int | ei_keymap_get_fd (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
Return a memmap-able file descriptor pointing to the keymap used by the device. | |
struct ei_device * | ei_keymap_get_device (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
Return the device this keymap belongs to, or NULL if it has not yet been assigned to a device. | |
struct ei_keymap * | ei_keymap_ref (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
Increase the refcount of this struct by one. | |
struct ei_keymap * | ei_keymap_unref (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
Decrease the refcount of this struct by one. | |
void | ei_keymap_set_user_data (struct ei_keymap *keymap, void *user_data) |
void * | ei_keymap_get_user_data (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
void | ei_device_close (struct ei_device *device) |
Notify the server that the client is no longer interested in this device. | |
const char * | ei_device_get_name (struct ei_device *device) |
enum ei_device_type | ei_device_get_type (struct ei_device *device) |
bool | ei_device_has_capability (struct ei_device *device, enum ei_device_capability cap) |
Return true if the device has the requested capability. | |
struct ei_region * | ei_device_get_region (struct ei_device *device, size_t index) |
Obtain a region from a device of type EI_DEVICE_TYPE_VIRTUAL. | |
struct ei_region * | ei_device_get_region_at (struct ei_device *device, double x, double y) |
Return the region that contains the given point x/y (in desktop-wide coordinates) or NULL if the coordinates are outside all regions. | |
struct ei_region * | ei_region_ref (struct ei_region *region) |
struct ei_region * | ei_region_unref (struct ei_region *region) |
void | ei_region_set_user_data (struct ei_region *region, void *user_data) |
void * | ei_region_get_user_data (struct ei_region *region) |
uint32_t | ei_region_get_x (struct ei_region *region) |
uint32_t | ei_region_get_y (struct ei_region *region) |
uint32_t | ei_region_get_width (struct ei_region *region) |
uint32_t | ei_region_get_height (struct ei_region *region) |
const char * | ei_region_get_mapping_id (struct ei_region *region) |
Get the unique identifier (representing an external resource) that is attached to this region, if any. | |
bool | ei_region_contains (struct ei_region *region, double x, double y) |
Return true if the point x/y (in desktop-wide coordinates) is within region. | |
bool | ei_region_convert_point (struct ei_region *region, double *x, double *y) |
Convert the point x/y in a desktop-wide coordinate system into the corresponding point relative to the offset of the given region. | |
double | ei_region_get_physical_scale (struct ei_region *region) |
Return the physical scale for this region. | |
struct ei_keymap * | ei_device_keyboard_get_keymap (struct ei_device *device) |
Return the keymap for this device or NULL . | |
struct ei_device * | ei_keymap_get_context (struct ei_keymap *keymap) |
Return the struct ei_device this keymap is associated with. | |
struct ei * | ei_device_get_context (struct ei_device *device) |
Return the struct ei context this device is associated with. | |
void | ei_device_start_emulating (struct ei_device *device, uint32_t sequence) |
Notify the EIS implementation that the given device is about to start sending events. | |
void | ei_device_stop_emulating (struct ei_device *device) |
Notify the EIS implementation that the given device is no longer sending events. | |
void | ei_device_frame (struct ei_device *device, uint64_t time) |
Generate a frame event to group the current set of events into a logical hardware event. | |
void | ei_device_pointer_motion (struct ei_device *device, double x, double y) |
Generate a relative motion event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_POINTER capability. | |
void | ei_device_pointer_motion_absolute (struct ei_device *device, double x, double y) |
Generate an absolute motion event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_POINTER_ABSOLUTE capability. | |
void | ei_device_button_button (struct ei_device *device, uint32_t button, bool is_press) |
Generate a button event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_BUTTON capability. | |
void | ei_device_scroll_delta (struct ei_device *device, double x, double y) |
Generate a smooth (pixel-precise) scroll event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_SCROLL capability. | |
void | ei_device_scroll_discrete (struct ei_device *device, int32_t x, int32_t y) |
Generate a discrete scroll event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_SCROLL capability. | |
void | ei_device_scroll_stop (struct ei_device *device, bool stop_x, bool stop_y) |
Generate a scroll stop event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_SCROLL capability. | |
void | ei_device_scroll_cancel (struct ei_device *device, bool cancel_x, bool cancel_y) |
Generate a scroll cancel event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_SCROLL capability. | |
void | ei_device_keyboard_key (struct ei_device *device, uint32_t keycode, bool is_press) |
Generate a key event on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_KEYBOARD capability. | |
struct ei_touch * | ei_device_touch_new (struct ei_device *device) |
Initiate a new touch on a device with the EI_DEVICE_CAP_TOUCH capability. | |
void | ei_touch_down (struct ei_touch *touch, double x, double y) |
This function can only be called once on an ei_touch object. | |
void | ei_touch_motion (struct ei_touch *touch, double x, double y) |
Move this touch to the new coordinates. | |
void | ei_touch_up (struct ei_touch *touch) |
Release this touch. | |
void | ei_touch_cancel (struct ei_touch *touch) |
Cancel this touch. | |
struct ei_touch * | ei_touch_ref (struct ei_touch *touch) |
Increase the refcount of this struct by one. | |
struct ei_touch * | ei_touch_unref (struct ei_touch *touch) |
Decrease the refcount of this struct by one. | |
void | ei_touch_set_user_data (struct ei_touch *touch, void *user_data) |
Set a custom data pointer for this context. | |
void * | ei_touch_get_user_data (struct ei_touch *touch) |
Return the custom data pointer for this context. | |
struct ei_device * | ei_touch_get_device (struct ei_touch *touch) |
struct ei_seat * | ei_event_get_seat (struct ei_event *event) |
Return the seat from this event. | |
struct ei_ping * | ei_event_pong_get_ping (struct ei_event *event) |
Returns the associated ei_ping struct with this event. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_emulating_get_sequence (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_DEVICE_START_EMULATING, return the sequence number set by the EIS implementation. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_keyboard_get_xkb_mods_depressed (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS, get the mask of currently logically pressed-down modifiers. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_keyboard_get_xkb_mods_latched (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS, get the mask of currently logically latched modifiers. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_keyboard_get_xkb_mods_locked (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS, get the mask of currently logically locked modifiers. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_keyboard_get_xkb_group (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS, get the current effective group. | |
double | ei_event_pointer_get_dx (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION return the relative x movement in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
double | ei_event_pointer_get_dy (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION return the relative y movement in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
double | ei_event_pointer_get_absolute_x (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION_ABSOLUTE return the x position in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
double | ei_event_pointer_get_absolute_y (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION_ABSOLUTE return the y position in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_button_get_button (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_BUTTON_BUTTON return the button code as defined in linux/input-event-codes.h. | |
bool | ei_event_button_get_is_press (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_BUTTON_BUTTON return true if the event is a button press, false for a release. | |
double | ei_event_scroll_get_dx (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_SCROLL_DELTA return the x scroll distance in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
double | ei_event_scroll_get_dy (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_SCROLL_DELTA return the y scroll distance in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
bool | ei_event_scroll_get_stop_x (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_SCROLL_CANCEL return whether the x axis has cancelled scrolling. | |
bool | ei_event_scroll_get_stop_y (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_SCROLL_STOP return whether the y axis has stopped scrolling. | |
int32_t | ei_event_scroll_get_discrete_dx (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_SCROLL_DISCRETE return the x scroll distance in fractions or multiples of 120. | |
int32_t | ei_event_scroll_get_discrete_dy (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_SCROLL_DISCRETE return the y scroll distance in fractions or multiples of 120. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_keyboard_get_key (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY return the key code (as defined in include/linux/input-event-codes.h). | |
bool | ei_event_keyboard_get_key_is_press (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY return true if the event is a key down, false for a release. | |
uint32_t | ei_event_touch_get_id (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN, EI_EVENT_TOUCH_MOTION, or EI_EVENT_TOUCH_UP, return the tracking ID of the touch. | |
double | ei_event_touch_get_x (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN, or EI_EVENT_TOUCH_MOTION, return the x coordinate of the touch in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
double | ei_event_touch_get_y (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN, or EI_EVENT_TOUCH_MOTION, return the y coordinate of the touch in logical pixels or mm, depending on the device type. | |
bool | ei_event_touch_get_is_cancel (struct ei_event *event) |
For an event of type EI_EVENT_TOUCH_UP return true if the event was cancelled instead of logically released. | |