snegg.oeffis module

Wrapper module around the liboeffis C library. This is a thin API wrapper with most of the semantics of the underlying C library preserved. See the liboeffis documentation for details on each API.


Most objects in this module are refcounted and automatically destroy the underlying C object when the Python reference is dropped. This may cause all sub-objects in the underlying C object to be destroyed as well. Care must be taken to preserve the Python object across multiple invocations.

class snegg.oeffis.DeviceType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntFlag

The set of devices to request from the RemoteDesktop session.

exception snegg.oeffis.DisconnectedError(message)

Bases: Exception

Raised when our context is disconnected from the bus. This error is raised when the connection encountered some error, e.g. a misconfiguration or access errors.

See SessionClosedError for the exception raised when our session was explicitly closed.


A message to indicate the cause of the disconnection.

class snegg.oeffis.Oeffis

Bases: object

Wrapper class around a liboeffis context. See the liboeffis documentation for oeffis_new() for details:

This is a Pythonic wrapper, after creating a session use the fd property to monitor for events and call dispatch() in response to any events on that file descriptor.

Note that the Oeffis context must be kept alive for the duration of the session, destroying the context results in disconnection and thus the EIS fd becoming invalid for any libei contexts that use that fd.

classmethod create(devices: int = DeviceType.ALL_DEVICES, busname: str = 'org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop') Oeffis

Create a liboeffis context for the given set of devices on the given busname.

dispatch() bool

Dispatch any pending events and return True if we are connected, or False if there’s nothing happening right now.

If we get disconnected and/or the session is closed, this function raises a DisconnectedError or SessionClosedError, respectively. Calling dispatch after getting disconnected/closed will result in the same exceptions being thrown.

property eis_fd: IO

The file descriptor to pass to snegg.ei.Sender.create_for_fd. This file descriptor does not exist until dispatch() returns True.


Reading this property descriptor raises a DisconnectedError if invoked before dispatch() returns True

property error_message: Optional[str]

Returns the error message that caused this context to disconnect. In most cases this is the same error that was already raised in the DisconnectedError exception.

This method returns None if our context is still connected.

property fd: IO

The file descriptor to monitor for incoming events. Whenever an event occurs on this file descriptor, call dispatch() immediately to process the events.

exception snegg.oeffis.SessionClosedError

Bases: DisconnectedError

Raised when our session was closed by the XDG Desktop Portal. This may happen in response to some user interaction but is not typically an indication of an error. See DisconnectedError for the exception raised when an error occurs.